Emalee's Platform - SEED

“Like a wildflower; she spent her days allowing herself to grow, not many knew of her struggle, but eventually all; knew of her light.” –Nikki Rowe

In everyday life, most of us struggle with our image somehow, and I let the demons take control, leading me to developing an eating disorder.

My sophomore year of high school I lost myself. I lost who I was, and who I was trying to become.

Transitioning to a new school comes with a lot of stress. Many of your old friends will go on to other schools, and you will struggle to find a new friend group. You will struggle with figuring out who you are, and what your goal in life will be. Many things are changing, so it was important for me to find some control in my life, which unfortunately led me to E.D.

Eating Disorders are often overlooked because it’s kind of a touchy subject. I am here to change that. Just because someone is struggling with an eating disorder, doesn’t mean they are any less of a person.

I developed SEED (Self Esteem and Eating Disorders) 3 years ago. I have educated many classes on the importance of self-acceptance, what eating disorders are, and how they can be prevented. I also have a SEED Facebook page that I try to keep updated as much as possible with positive quotes, my thoughts throughout the day, and ways to increase you self-esteem!

SEED is all about growing a new strong healthy you!

Along with SEED, partnering with the National Eating Disorder Association, gives me many tools to host interactive events!

I know exactly how it feels to feel like you aren’t enough, like no one cared about you, like my body wasn’t good enough, and that I will never be happy with who I am, but that was all E.D talking. God made me exactly how I was supposed to be. I never want anyone else to feel how I felt.

Never in a million years did I think I could end up being effected by E.D, but I’m glad it made me into the person I am today.

Emalee Kitzan
Miss North Dakota International 2018

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