Girl Scouts - Back to Troop!

I love fall!  Back to cooler weather, back to school shopping, the beautiful changing colors of the leaves and of course – Girl Scouts - BACK TO TROOP!  October 1st is the official start of the new Girl Scout year and although Girl Scouts is year ‘round this is the time of year when troops are taking time to regroup with new plans for the year, the time when girls may be starting a new level in Girl Scouts and an entire year of possibility awaits!
It’s a great idea to establish a time of the year to assess your goals and dreams and your progress towards them.  This is a perfect time for Girl Scouts to look at what they would like to accomplish this year.  Pick out the badges they would like to earn, start on ideas for the bronze, silver or gold awards as well as what fun activities they would like to participate in!  We are continuing to DISCOVER more about ourselves, to CONNECT with people and resources so we can TAKE ACTION to make a difference!  Always striving to further our mission to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place!
Personally, looking at my Girl Scouts goals for the following year will include;
1) Take Heart badge workshops –
Goal: Host 1 per month in different states and countries all over the world
                  Progress: Have hosted 4 in ND, 1 in Nicaragua
                  Plans: One more scheduled in Fargo, more in the works in New Jersey and MN, SD, ND
                  Big Dream:  Host workshops in foreign countries with International Pageant Titleholders
2) International Travel –
                  Goal:  Visit all 5 Girl Scout World Centers
                  Progress:  Visited Pax Lodge in London 2018
Plans: Trip to Our Chalet in Switzerland 2020 planned
Big Dream:  Every 2-3 years visit another World Center
3)  Supporting my daughter as a Senior Girl Scout
                  Goal: To have her discover her unique gifts and use them with purpose; to have her dream BIG and have the courage to go after those dreams and the confidence to know she can achieve them!
                  Progress:  Her passion for reading helped her to develop her own platform called Adventures in Reading assisting libraries in rural North Dakota expand their resources to better serve their communities.  She earned her Girl Scout Silver Award with this project.
                  Plans:  To expand her platform Adventures in Reading to more libraries in ND.  She is funding her own international travel adventure to Europe with Girl Scouts summer 2020.
                  Big Dream:  Gold Award!
Never be afraid to dream big!  Write it down, make strides towards your goal and enjoy living your life to the fullest!
Building Strong Leaders,
Jessie Aamodt
Mr. North Dakota International 2019

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