Back to School

Back to school was a lot different than usual for me. Back to school meant changing schools, changing cities, changing my entire life to start my new academic career. I’ve been here at the University of North Dakota for almost a month now and it's been sort of a roller coaster. If I’m being completely vulnerable and honest, I cried for days before I left for college. I was scared to leave my comfort zone, and I was sad to close the chapter of my life which I had loved so dearly. I kept thinking about the fact that I probably won’t share a room with my sister every day anymore. I felt like I took my childhood for granted. I’m usually a “see the positive side of everything” type of person. This was different, I had a hard time being positive about it. But with the help of my friends and family, I’ve been able to conquer that negativity and find the joy while I’m in college. I’ve figured out a daily/weekly routine which has included Face Timing my best friend and calling my mom very frequently, exercising every day, and spending time with my new friends. Life is about making the best out of every situation. Even if you don’t feel 100% comfortable right away, find ways to make yourself happy!

Meeting my roommate was an AWESOME part of college. My roommate, Emily, and I get along so well. She keeps me sane by listening to me complain about silly things or telling me to get stuff done! We’ve had a really fun time putting our dorm room together, too! Here are some cute pictures of it.

I’ve learned some pretty valuable lessons in college so far. On my first day of classes, I got lost. Twice. I was embarrassed for a minute or so, but then I realized that I should be laughing! Of course I walk into the wrong class, I’m a freshman! I took these moments and recognized that I don’t need to be embarrassed about the little things. The only person who is embarrassed is me! The little things shouldn’t be a burden, just shrug them off and move on!
Another lesson I’ve learned is…always have cold medicine on hand! I know it might seem silly, but I mean it. My friend Mandy (Hey girl!) once told me the reason I’m sick is because I’m living in a petri dish, how true is that?! Getting sick is inevitable, especially living in the dorms. I’ve already acquired a pretty nasty cold! Always keep DayQuil in your medicine drawer and don’t be afraid to take some extra Vitamin C during cold and flu season!
I feel so blessed to know that I have so many people on my team as I transitioned to my new chapter in life. So many of my friends from the Grand Forks community have reached out to make sure I’m feeling comfortable and let me know they’re here to help. I’m so thankful for them!
Redefining Disability and Transforming Minds,
Miss Teen North Dakota International 2019
MacKenzie Johnson

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