Signing off...

One year ago I was honored to be crowned your ND International Ambassador 2019. My daughter Paris, Miss Teen ND 2018 encouraged me to run, so with her love and support I stepped out of my box and I’m so grateful that I did. Thank you Paris for believing in me. Thank you to my entire family and friends for your love and support. Meg and Janelle thank you for the opportunity to serve as your ND international Ambassador this past year. Ashley thank you for our talks and for always encouraging me. Thank you Jenna for always making us queens look beautiful and for walking this journey with both Paris and I. Thank you to all our amazing sponsors we appreciate each one of you.

I have been so blessed to meet so many wonderful people, starting with my sister queens. You are amazing women and it has been a privilege to get to know each of you. One of my favorite times together was our photo shoot...we had so much fun.

I don’t know that I can fully express how honored I have been to meet amazing women like Jenessa and Charlene with Down Home, participating in two of our ND/MN Honor flights, the American Heart Association, parades, stuff the truck with life 97.9. Attending the national pageant in Charleston, WV to support my sister queens . There are so many memorable moments and I have loved each of them.

One take away from this year is that we are all Beautifully Broken. We don’t always see it in others until we take the time to invite them out to coffee or for a lunch date and hear their hearts. We all have a story to share, we don’t need to fix it for one another, we just need to stop for a moment and listen. It so nice to know that we’re not alone and that someone cares about you. So please stop, tell your story to someone and listen to one another. God created us for relationships so start today one person at a time. See the beauty in the brokenness we all share.

To my successor, enjoy the time you are given to love and serve the great people of ND.

Signing off for the last time Wanda Arnhalt, forever your ND international Ambassador 2019

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