My platform is HERE FOR YOU which is all about suicide prevention and mental health awareness. When I was seven a close family friend died due to suicide. When he died it made me really sad and I want to prevent other families from feeling this way. This is why I am passionate about my platform HERE FOR YOU. Suicide is the second leading cause of death ages 10 to 34 and deaths due to suicide has doubled ages 10 to 14 since 2006. In one day an average of 3,069 attempts are made by young adults grades 9th through 12th. 4 out of 5 teens who attempted to commit suicide showed clear warning signs. This is why I want to spend my year raising awareness through my signature presentation HERE FOR YOU that promotes better mental health.

I am also working on passing a bill that would require mental health classes in grades 4th through 12th. These classes would help teach us how to better handle stress, give tools and resources to help with depression and anxiety which would also help prevent suicide.

Always remember I’m HERE FOR YOU,

McKenna Kiefer Miss Pre Teen Flickertail 2020

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