The Peyton Heart Project: Hearts for Hope

“kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle.” Charles Glassman

We can never truly fathom the power of our words until we see the undeniable impact that they can have. The way they can provide us with a sense of comfort or how they can completely decimate the walls of our minds. It took only two words to completely shatter my identity. Two words that forever branded themselves into my brain. “Kill yourself.”
These words flashed across my screen after months of enduring hundreds of other words that also gradually took away my ability to see my value but none had that power that those two did.
In the fall of 2015 I woke up on a park bench after attempting to take my own life. I knew I had been given a second chance and I wasn’t about to waste it. So I have made it my mission to raise awareness for suicide prevention, provide resources and scatter hope worldwide.
Suicide rates are rapidly rising not just globally but right here in our home state of North Dakota. North Dakota has the highest rise in suicide rates in the entire country of 57% which is 10% higher than the next state in line. Suicide is also the second leading cause of death in North Dakota ages 15-34. As a suicide attempt survivor, I wanted to make it my mission to do my part to help change these statistics.
I have partnered with two suicide prevention organizations, The Peyton Heart Project and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and have created Hearts for Hope presentations that have reached thousands.  Through American Foundation for Suicide Prevention I act as a Field Advocate where I have raised over $5,500 by hosting fundraisers, provide resources, and help to advocate public policy to state legislators in our state.
This is my second year as a Field Advocate and it has been an incredible experience being able to attend walks, be an honored survivor, raise funds, and encourage my community to become involved and #bethevoice to help prevent suicide.

The Peyton Project is a suicide prevention and anti-bulling organization whose mission is to raise awareness for suicide prevention and scatter hope worldwide. We raise awareness by creating handcrafted hearts with tags that have a positive saying and a referral to resources attached. We then scatter the hearts locally, nationally, and worldwide. Peyton Hearts have been to every US state and over 60 countries! These hearts represent the lives we have lost to suicide and resemble to physical embodiment of hope. We encourage anyone who finds a heart to take a photo and share it on Facebook/Instagram. Because this is a social media based project we want to inspire others to share their story or simply how the heart impacted their day using #peytonheartproject.

I am one of 22 active worldwide ambassadors and I was the first ever ambassador to be from the state of North Dakota! As an ambassador I have made over 7,000 heart, scattered thousands from coast to coast in over 11 states, embarked on a 500 heart tour (Details on 500 heart tour 2019 to come!), have presented hearts to multiple North Dakota Mayors and even Governor Doug Burgum, and have hosted heart making events across the state.

Hearts for Hope is a group of presentations that I developed to discuss the topics of suicide prevention, mental health and anti-bullying with all age groups. I have been able to share these presentations with thousands of students across the the region. Being able to share Hearts for Hope has been my favorite part of being an ambassador and Miss North Dakota International!

            Hearts for Hope is not just my platform, it my lifestyle. I dedicate every day to raising awareness for suicide prevention and fulfilling my purpose as a survivor. Whether I’m spending hours making Peyton hearts, hosting events or speaking to thousand I am making it my mission to raise awareness for suicide prevention and be the voice for a cause that affects so many every day.

 “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” Every day we have the power to make a difference in the lives of others and in the process we learn more about who we are as individuals.  The more you act toward a greater purpose beyond yourself, the more you grow.

For more information on the Peyton Heart Project visit
For more information or resource visit

Have courage and ALWAYS be kind
Ava Hill
Miss North Dakota International 2019

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