Lilia's Crowning Moment

When the pageant weekend arrived, I felt so excited to have this opportunity! Magic was in the room…. Saturday was filled with meeting many new people, orientation, practicing, practicing and more practicing for the pageant production, personal interviews (I was so eager to share my “Love Always” platform but a little nervous as well), prayer, pictures, more information, a fabulous tea for the Pre Teens with Mrs. International 2018, supper, more practicing and fun! It was a long day but very successful. When I got home, I went straight to bed because it was late and this girl needs her beauty sleep!!! I prayed so many times that night that this would be my year to shine and that I could use this crown to do great things and serve others!
When I awoke the next morning, excitement was in the air…. I knew I would do my best! My mom and I prayed before we went into the Scheel’s Center for the Performing Arts at Oak Grove where the pageant was held. As the pageant began, all the pretty contestants with gorgeous gowns and wonderful platforms were sparkling. I put on my opening number dress which was red … the color red symbolizes strength and love. The music was electrifying and our opening number was powerful. We all got to present ourselves and walk across the stage and introduce who we are. Then we had fun fashion (my favorite), evening gown and on-stage interviews for the competition as well as more entertainment, American Heart Association information and farewells from the queens before they crowned the new ones. And, then after what seemed like long, long time….the crowning moment! I thought that I did my very best and prayed for this moment to be my time, but I was just so eager to see who would earn the crown no matter who it was! I was ready. All the amazing Pre Teens were excited to find out!

My mom said she was sitting in the front row watching and was holding hands with another mom. The emcees said: “Now, deep breaths everyone….. may we have the envelopes please.” All the Pre Teens walked forward and held hands. I closed my eyes, looked down and took a breath. The emcees are great at building anticipation by SLOWLY talking and adding pauses…. it built up my excitement even more! The emcees then said: “Pre Teens, are you ready?!  …….and….. your Miss Pre Teen North Dakota International 2019 winner is……. Lilia Rexin!!!” Even though I thought I did my best and was praying to win, when my named was called, I was just stunned to hear it. I immediately put my hands up to my mouth in disbelief…. MY name was called!!! YAY!!! I think that the rush of emotions settled in and I cried happy tears as my new sash was put on me. I then received a bouquet of red roses and a trophy. My dad put my crown on my head which was just so special. I am so thankful that he was there with me.

Jocelyn, Miss Pre Teen North Dakota International 2018, helped secure my crown. My crowning moment picture was taken by MaBelle Photography and they captured that moment so beautifully. It was spectacular!

At the crowning moment, I was just so happy and very proud of all my hard work. This all seemed like a wonderful dream but it was actually real! I couldn’t believe it. My mom told me she was screaming in delight and crying because I was crowned the new Miss Pre Teen. My mom helped me so much by selecting dresses, giving me pointers on walking, helping me with interview questions and coaching me on how to present myself. I love you, Mom! After I was crowned, I had a huge smile on my face and my dad and I walked to the side of the stage. It was so fun to watch MacKenzie, Ava, Jessie and Wanda get crowned.  They asked the new queens to come forward and take center stage as they announced us as the 2019 North Dakota International titleholders. “Ladies, enjoy the moment…. the stage belongs to you.” I was completely thrilled at being in this moment and I will never forget it! We had so much applause!!! The queens had our first group picture taken and enjoyed the Queen’s Reception. KVRR News interviewed me to be on tv which was so cool. It was all such a very, very happy whirlwind.

The only thing missing from the evening was that my brothers were not with me. Both Andrew and Gabe had a birthday party to attend. Later, Gabe raced at the Boy Scout Pinewood Derby and Andrew had his Boy Scout meeting. What a busy day!
This crowning moment will give me so many more opportunities to make a difference in my community and I’m blessed, thankful and thrilled to wear the crown. It will give me more of a chance to live out my favorite scripture:
“Let All That You Do Be Done in Love.”  I Corinthians 16:14
Love Always,
Lilia Rexin
Miss Pre Teen North Dakota International 2019

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