Nationals, what a week!

          God is good. 
          The past month I have spent my time traveling and my final stop was Nationals in Jacksonville, Florida. I am humbled to say the least, with all of the wonderful experiences and friendships made during the short week of competition. Nationals is an experience you cannot really express in words, but I will share a short review of how my week went!
            I began by flying into Orlando and traveling to Jacksonville mid day on the Thursday before Ashley’s preliminary competition. I loved watching her rock that stage and make Top 15! She did amazing, and it was a great idea to get there early to see how the stage worked and to also get settled in for the week I had ahead. Monday we went through Orientation and began making life-long friendships. The rest of the week FLEW by and I have an endless list of thank you’s to send out! My interview was my most favorite part of the entire week. The judges were so kind, and they gave me the opportunity to make Top 10 and share my platform with thousands of people across the Globe.
            My journey didn’t stop at Nationals, to me it has just begun. I will continue to Be The Voice and I am traveling to Perth, Australia next August to propose the idea of Inclusion in the classroom with people across the World. I am beyond blessed and thankful for the opportunities God has given me so far on this great journey towards success and a brighter future for not only myself, but for the kids with special needs.
                  God Bless,
Miss Teen North Dakota International 
Meghanne Quam 

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