Cherish the Child - A Walk to Remember

It isn't for the moment you are struck 
that you need courage, 
but for the long uphill battle to faith, 
sanity and security. 
-Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Looking back a year ago I would never have imagined the opportunities that would be coming my way over the next year. Speaking at Cherish the Child - A Walk to Remember was one of the most rewarding yet difficult things I have done during my reign. It was not only difficult to talk about our pregnancy losses, but to look out into the audience and see the pain of other parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends mourning their loss. 

Cherish the Child - A Walk to Remember is sponsored by Wings (an area infant/child loss support group), Joseph Vertin & Sons Funeral Home, and St. Francis Riveredge Hospice, Breckenridge, MN.  The walk is held to honor and cherish the memories of children who have died.  The walk takes place at the Lake Breckenridge Trail (formerly the Lake Breckenridge Dam site).  The site is also home to the Cherish the Child Memorial Garden, a heart-shaped brick memorial garden.  The brick memorial garden is constructed from 4" X 8" engraved bricks bearing the name(s) of children who have died.  

Sometimes it takes reaching deep into your pain and sorry to help others, to be that source of caring and understanding. I met some people I maybe would have never had the opportunity to know had I not taken this opportunity, some with what I call a greater loss than mine. Focus on counting your blessings, we all have them, and tell your loved ones how much you love them. 

Jennifer Mauch
Mrs. ND International 2013

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