Ending Heart Month with a bang…

Wow! I cannot believe it is already March! Time really does fly by when you’re having fun!

At the end of February I was invited to give a couple of presentations about being heart healthy at my old elementary and middle schools in Lisbon, North Dakota. It was a great way to end American Heart Month. Going back to my old schools was so nostalgic! I felt like such a giant walking through those halls as an adult.

I was able to give presentations to classes of 1st graders, 3rd graders, and 6th graders. All of the groups of kids were so great, and they asked such awesome questions! Altogether, I was able to speak to around 80 kids about how to be heart healthy! We talked about eating healthy and exercising, as well as staying FAR away from tobacco products!

"The 1st graders (top) and 3rd graders (bottom) and I after I gave my presentations."

A special thanks to Mrs. Meckle, the principal of both Lisbon Elementary and Lisbon Middle Schools, for helping me to set this up, as well as to the teachers who allowed me to come into their classrooms- Mrs. Wangler, Mrs. Rolf, and Mrs. Roth.

Since I was in elementary school in Lisbon, I have always remembered celebrating Heart Month. We did everything from wearing red and raising money to participating in Jump Rope for Heart. Since I knew Lisbon Public Schools already celebrated it, I thought it would be cool to get them even more involved. After e-mailing Mrs. Meckle about a couple of my ideas, she set up a contest between the elementary classrooms to see who could raise the most money for the American Heart Association. Together, the entire elementary school raised $297.00! Way to go! One of the classrooms that I gave a presentation to, Mrs. Wangler’s class (3rd grade), won the contest! Congratulations to them for raising $51.00! We celebrated their awesome efforts with root beer floats after my presentation.

Next week, I will be back in Lisbon, this time to give a presentation to the 8th grade health class about being heart healthy. This presentation will be especially important to me, as a former teacher and coach of mine, Mr. Joe Howell, teaches it. Mr. Howell underwent emergency surgery at the end of January after having a massive aortic dissection. Mr. Howell is a pillar of the Lisbon community, I am so proud of my hometown for rallying around him during his time of need. Mr. Kasey Bitz is currently teaching his class while Mr. Howell is recovering and healing. Mr. Bitz and I are excited to bring this message to the kids in honor of Mr. Howell! #yowzerstrong

Xoxo, Taylor

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