
A few weeks ago, I had a scholarship interview.  One of the questions was about my perspective about social media. I think social media overall is a great resource. Social media has the ability to connect people, as well as an outlet for information.  Like anything balance and digression is key.  This conversation sparked my interest in some of the research done recently on the subject.
Common Sense Media did a large scale survey across the United States that found that 9 out of 10 American teenagers have used social media, but still prefer talking in person over texting tweeting or connecting on Facebook or Instagram. Their research showed that teens view social media as more positive than negative. The study also published these interesting facts:
·      90% of teens have used some form of social media. 50% of teens check their social media at least once a day.
·      52% of teen say that it has helped their social relationships compared to 4% who believe it has hurt their friendships.
·      29% of social network users believe it has make them feel more outgoing. 20% say it makes them feel more social confident. 15% report feeling better about themselves compared to 4% who feel worse.
·      Despite this, 43% of teens express a desire to disconnect sometimes and 41% say they are “addicted” to the technology. 
This study seems pretty accurate to me.  I admit I actually love connecting with my friends on social media, but agree that there is no substitute for connecting in person. I think social media is a wonderful avenue to connect with friends across the country.  The ability to share information is easier than any other time in history.  I think the key to this like everything else is balance.
I created #musicmonday to promote my platform of music education on my social media accounts. I ultimately had a goal in mind of uniting people through social media and music. Social media is extremely unique in its ability to reach out to others across the world. I believe music works in the same way. Music is universal and speaks any language just like most forms of social media. I feel so incredibly blessed to share my love for music on social media every single Monday. If I reach just one person and inspire them to learn about music each Monday, I have done my job.

Yours In Harmony, Payton Hausauer Miss Teen North Dakota International 2017 

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