When did you find your voice?

My platform is Find Your Voice, an organization I created to mentor students to communicate effectively by becoming involved in speech and debate programs. After debating on my high school team, I found my passion to help others be heard. I continue to advocate for those on their journey to find their voice, because the way we communicate ultimately determines the quality of our lives.

The most exciting part about my platform is finding out about everyone else’s moment when they knew they found their voice. When I started to become more comfortable telling my story about how I overcame my fear of speaking, other people have started telling me about their experiences as well! It’s so inspiring to watch how someone else’s eyes light up when they tell a story about a moment when they found confidence. I love listening to people say how they found a way to stand up for themselves with their voice. Everyone seems to be able to talk about these moments in such vivid detail that they are so relatable and heartwarming!

So now I need your help! I know that if these stories inspire me, that they will inspire you too. So we need to share them with each other and lift each other up with our memories and positivity. I want to create a collaborative section on the Find Your Voice website at www.fyv.weebly.com that features all of the unique ways that all of us have found our own voice! I want to hear all of your stories about when you felt you created the confidence in yourself to overcome your fears! So I need you to answer, “When did you find your voice?” and e-mail me at mmpulkrabek@gmail.com with your story! You can choose to remain anonymous if you wish, and submissions can be as long or as short as you need to feel like you’ve told your story! I can’t wait to see how connected all of us really are when we can see how we all overcame our fear! Thank you for sharing J

Meg Pulkrabek RD, LRD
Miss North Dakota International 2014

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