My trip to the State Capital

On Tuesday March 19th I was able to visit the State Capital Building with the Anne Carlsen Center to learn about the legislative process. This opportunity was granted to me by Tim Eissinger the CEO of Anne Carlsen who encourages his employees to be involved and understand how Anne Carlsen is funded.

For those of you who don’t know, The Anne Carlsen Center is a school and residential facility for young adults with developmental and physical disabilities. I have worked at Anne Carlsen for a year and 3 months and have loved every minute of it. Anne Carlsen has helped me develop my passions in health care, especially in the area of developmental disabilities and has helped shaped my future plans.
During this trip, I was able to sit in on committee meetings, meet with a lobbyist for Anne Carlsen, sit in on senate hearings, and overall learn more about Anne Carlsen and the legislative process. I feel very blessed to be able to have this opportunity! During the first committee meeting I attended, I was able to speak on behalf of the visitors from Anne Carlsen and the importance of being aware of more than just our scope of work. Understanding how ACC is funded is extremely important.
Later at our meeting with an ACC Lobbyist I was able to discuss my opinions on certain subjects of politics and talk about my platform with the CEO of Anne Carlsen, Tim Eissinger.  Tim is a true advocate for those around him, not just for his employees, but the students that he represents. He will do anything for those kids, and I respect that tremendously.

After this trip, I feel more well-rounded in my knowledge of Anne Carlsen and involvement in legislature. There is nothing I would rather do than advocate for individuals with disabilities. I look forward to making my career at Anne Carlsen as a nurse where I can continue to support others with the passion that I have. “I alone cannot change the world on my own, but I can cast a stone in the water and create many ripples.” This quote from Mother Teresa truly embodies my goals in life. I may not be able to change the world on my own, but I surely can help make a difference. If I can spark a movement and change towards inclusivity in the world, my heart would be filled to the brim.

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