My Small Town

Small town North Dakota is where my heart will always be. Smiling and waving at every car you passed whether you know them or not, knowing the entire town by first and last names, having most of the same elementary school teachers as your parents, and having at least a 15 minute conversation with a complete stranger because they might just know your parents. Some might drive through my little town of Stanton and laugh that it might only be 8 blocks long, but those streets hold more memories than one could ever imagine. These streets were the same streets my parents, grandparents, and even great grandparents travelled through. They laid their roots down many years ago and little did they think that four generations later, I would want to plant my roots as well. 

Shortly after my high school graduation, I moved to Fargo to pursue a college degree. I went happily with an open mind to a new city with new opportunities. Not only would I be meeting new friends but I would be experiencing what it was like to live in a town with a population greater than 300.
While I have been in Fargo for almost four years now, I am ready to move forward. I am ready for new opportunities but in familiar places. After I graduate from NDSU, I would love nothing more than to move back to my small town North Dakota town, and hopefully provide for my community in the same way it provided for me. Hopefully one day raising a family and allowing my children to experience a similar childhood that I once had. 

Earlier this month, my small town had an all class reunion were folks from all over the country came back to visit our shared home. While there were stories shared between classmates that haven’t seen each other in decades there was a sense of nostalgia. It was a bittersweet experience, though there weren’t a ton of people that came back to appreciate our small town there were enough and through those who made the trip, I knew we shared something in common. I knew these people had a love for this small town. Our small town where memories were made and will continue to live on.

Forever and Always,

Siam Simpfenderfer
Miss North Dakota International 2017

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