Pageant Tips from Taylor

Guess what everyone, ITS PAGEANT SEASON! How exciting is that?
Girls are dress shopping, excelling in the gym, and working hard on paperwork. Today I want to share a few prep tips that I hope some of you can find helpful.
1.     Think of yourself as if you are already wearing that crown! Don’t just work towards the crown, work to bring glory to the crown that is already on your head (You’re always a Queen).
2.     Don’t let brand names make your decisions. If you love that dress or shoe but it is not a popular brand, wear it anyways!
3.     Be honest. Be honest on your paperwork and to yourself. The judges want to know YOU and what YOU have done. You are wonderfully and beautifully made, so embrace who you are, don’t pretend to be something you are not.
4.     Don’t look at the past winners. Just because the 2016 winner wore a green gown, doesn’t mean you should too. Use what looks good on YOU and brings out your best attributes.
5.     If you are a coffee drinker like myself, start using a straw two weeks before you pageant (or always!) to keep your teeth whiter
6.     Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. ( clears you face and keeps you thinking straight)
7.     Also, that one slice of pizza or one donut isn’t going to kill you. Enjoy yourself
8.     Use a photo that ACTUALLY looks like you. You want the judges to have a good impression of who you are!
9.     Do. Not. Compare. Yourself. It is easier said than done, I know. Just know that you worked hard to get where you are and there is not another you in this entire universe, so no one can be a better you than you.
10.  Reuse. Reuse. Reuse. I think we can all agree that Pageantry isn’t exactly the cheapest sport out there but reusing can totally save you a load of money. Coming from a girl who used the same gown in three pageants in one year! Yes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a dress twice, or in my case, three times! I wore my state gown at nationals because I was still so in love with it! It also saved me quite a bit of money. Even borrowing or renting a dress from someone else totally works! That dress will look completely different on you than perhaps it did on your friend! Do it!

These are just a few tips that I have learned in my pageant career and I hope that they can be helpful to you in this time of year! Feel free to even write me if you have any question! Love to help out! Thanks again for catching up with me <3

 Miss North Dakota International 2016
Taylor Woodruff

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