Survivorship through Mentorship


‘As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.' 1 Peter 4:10

‘Our Purpose in life is simple; it is to be the best version of ourselves that we can be by leading by example for those around us and making a difference in the lives of others.’ ~ Ashley Rae Klinger.

One way in which we can accomplish this is by using our experiences as a Survivor to not only better our own lives, but to better the lives of those around us, and Mentorship is a perfect example of that.

The Cope Well Foundation’s 'Survivorship through Mentorship' Program is aimed at building Mentor/Mentee connections and support systems in a comfortable and trusting environment, in an overall effort to help Survivors 'Cope Well' during their Survivorship journey.

So, what exactly is 'Survivorship through Mentorship'? At Cope Well, we break it down into 2 parts. 1) Survivorship is the Journey of a Survivor who has been affected, directly or indirectly, by a circumstance in life. 2) Mentorship is the positive and growing Relationship between one Survivor and another. These 2 parts add up to 1 very important message: Survivorship through Mentorship, which is the idea of Survivors using their experiences to form relationships with one another to better the lives of themselves and their fellow Survivors, in an effort to ‘Cope Well’ during their Survivorship Journey.

With Survivorship through Mentorship, there are no limits! Survivorship applies to all areas of life, as it includes Survivors of Cancer, Lupus, Stoke, Infertility, PTSD, Suicide, Depression, Loss of a Loved One and all other illnesses and circumstances that may affect us physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually. Mentorship also applies to all areas of life, as it includes relationships between Individuals and Groups, Males and Females, Youth and Elderly and all other environments where positive relationships may form and grow.

With Survivorship through Mentorship, the benefits are endless! Although those benefits will vary from participant to participant, Cope Well believes that Survivorship through Mentorship will ultimately be very therapeutic for BOTH the Mentor and Mentee in a variety of ways. And regardless of the type of Survivorship and whether one decides to be the Mentor or the Mentee, Survivorship through Mentorship is another great way for us to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.

The overall Purpose of The Cope Well Foundation’s Survivorship through Mentorship program is simple: to use our experiences as Survivors to not only better our own lives, but to better the lives of those around us. Through this message, we will lead by example and make a difference, and together we will ‘Cope Well to Live Well’.

‘Above all, keep loving one another earnestly.’ 1 Peter 4:8

Until next time, continue to lead by example and make a difference!

Ashley Rae Klinger
Mrs. North Dakota International 2016

“Making a difference in the lives of others, and leading by example for those around me, isn’t by hobby; it’s my Purpose!” ~ Ashley Rae Klinger

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