My Life By-the-Numbers

112 Socks that go into the washer
107 Socks that come out of the dryer
100 Plus miles that go on the mom van in one day
70 Pairs of shoes I own
35 Bobby pins worn each week
34 Bobby pins found each week where they don’t belong by my husband
29 Years old - Maybe
19 Books on my reading list
18 Loads of laundry done in one week
17 Years of marriage
13 Hours I work at my real job each week
6 Trips into a school building each day for drop off or pick up a child
5 Pets owned by the family
3 Kids in braces
1 God I do it all for

So there you have it… that’s my life by-the-numbers.  I count each and every one as a blessing.  Come and count with me, I’d love the company.

Janelle Steinberg, Mrs. North Dakota International 2014

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